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Arrears Management


Arrears Management

The Code of Conduct under Law N4224 / 2013 issued by the Bank of Greece (Credit and Insurance Committee Meeting 392/1/31.05.2021) regulates the framework of arrears’ management for all supervised entities, among which our Company.

The main purpose of the Code of Conduct is to lay down general principles and best practices aimed at strengthening confidence, mutual commitment and information sharing, in order to lead to the achievement of the appropriate forbearance solution or resolution and closure solution for our customers experiencing financial difficulties (individuals and companies) and which are unable to meet their contractual obligations.

Hellas Capital Leasing following the Code of Conduct and adjusting its structure, has adopted an Arrears Resolution Procedure and prepared an Information Booklet for Customers in Financial Difficulties (Information Booklet)as a useful and practical guide for clients experiencing difficulties in repaying their debts.

For any further clarification, please contact the dedicated contact point:

Arrears Management Dpt
Tel : 210- 678 3414 (Ms Paschou Katerina)
Fax:210 677 3398

Please refer to the Policy for Socially Sensitive Lessees here.

Please refer for the Non Cooperative Borrowers here.

Please refer to the Platform’s User Manual here

Please refre to the Joint Ministerial Decision here

Steps to find a settlement solution or final settlement of your debts

If you already or if you anticipate that you will face financial difficulties (eg due to reduction of your income), that can lead you to non-timely payment of your debts, contact immediately HC Leasing. It is important to timely communicate and provide all the relevant data and information for finding the appropriate forbearance solutions or resolution and closure solution.

In case you are facing specific health problems (e.g. vision or hearing problems, or long-term illness and mental health problems) please contact us in order to formulate our communication with you in the appropriate way. For more information, please refer to the Policy for Socially Sensitive Lessees

Do not ignore any attempt of communication by HC Leasing. HC Leasing is willing to help you in finding a solution for the timely payment of your debts and it is important to provide all the necessary information to access your case.

Upon receipt of your data, HC Leasing will be able to assess your financial situation, examine and propose appropriate forbearance solutions or resolution and closure solutions, based on the data you have submitted and of your estimated ability to repay.
When HC Leasing will propose the final solution, do a thorough evaluation and ask for explanations, if necessary, to the dedicated contact point prior replying. Experienced officers of HC Leasing is at your disposal to help you and solve any questions.

After your classification as Non Co-operative Borrower and if you are a natural person or a Very Small Business, you have the right to appeal before the Appeals Committee of the Company within ten (10) calendar days.
The request for shall be made in writing by completing the relevant form for natural persons / for Very Small Businesses.

The above Form should be filled in completely, signed and sent with all the supporting documents either:

  • By registered mail-addressed to “To Appeals Committee” Panepistimiou 39, 105 64, Athens, or
  • Online at

    Experienced officers of HC Leasing is at your disposal to help you and solve any questions.


Tel: 210- 67 83 000
Fax: 210-67 73 398


Dedicated contact point

Arrears Management Dpt

Tel : 210- 678 3414 (Ms Paschou Katerina)
Fax:210 677 3398

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